Thursday, August 23, 2012

1. Introduction

This is a blook (blog + book = blook).  It's a collection of stories involving cats that wind their way through the various novels and stories of the Anchorite and Chris Hugh.

It's humorous, it's meta and it probably has a lot of typos.


Cats rule the Universe.

They are the Lords of Sleep and through dreams they influence mankind.

Unknown to all humans except one, the cats fight a vast war on our behalf. Universes of color and sound flash in and out of existence, shriek off into infinity, or descend with indescribable solemnity toward the lightless void that underlies all existence.

Cats are our champions in this battle and they have chosen one human to carry their messages to the world.

But what happens if that one human has sleep apnea? When their chosen prophetess wears a medical device that blows air up her nose all night?

The device is called a CPAP.

Its purpose: to keep her airway open so she doesn't stop breathing 700-odd times per night.

Its unintended consequences: many.

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